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ramblings: on words and my poem ‘fly?’

hi all ☺️ i realise i have actually posted a free verse (TO FEEL) which was a free verse but not really to the extent of ‘sunset garden’ which i wrote last night. i will type it up at some point i suppose, but the five pages are really ridiculing me. i am meanwhile working on a few things (cocoon, sunset beach and paracosms;prisons). all of which are deeply exciting.

anyway, i came here because i was listening to a song called shoot the poets by the cribs and one of the lines is ‘a picture holds a thousand words’ or something to that effect. i’ve been thinking - does it really? maybe i’m biased because i live my life in the curve of the letter f but maybe i’m not.

vibration is everything no? like pure energy, everything is always vibrating. and words are just manifestations of vibrations that we can decode and understand.

honestly, i have no clue what i’m going on about, but i feel a sanctity in words that cannot exist in a photo. perhaps it is that a photo is a photo - a capture of a moment. but words; well they’re so much more right?

not to be all Theory of Forms about it (plato get out of my head please) but even the words you’re reading now, they aren’t the actual words they’re just a representation of them. and even then the actual words which we could never materialise or tangibly handle are only representations of meanings far beyond language, bleeding neatly into Love and True Vision/Knowledge. pictures just make you remember how pretty the beach looked yesterday.

i prefer words by far.

another thing on my mind is the poem ‘fly?’. as i’ve mentioned before, i have a rather burning hatred of it. hmm that has subsided now; let’s get into why:

i knew what i was tryna say. i knew exactly what i wanted to say but it just didn’t come out right. it felt shallow; like i was telling people they weren’t six feet in the air because of how they hadn’t forgiven their mum for the ice cream truck incident. it stuck out like a sore thumb against all my other work. but i get it now, that poem was the infantile beginnings of a trail of thought that i completed today. this trail of thought is on freedom.

i wont bore you (she says as if there’s soooo many people reading this 😭) with the inner workings of this discussion - perhaps another time.

but our true Selves have complete and total freedom. of course they do, they are pure universal energy and celestial beings of perfect light and no pollution. but these metaphysical Selves act in the physical world through our bodies and therefore lose that freedom. so it is our humanity that takes away freedom i suppose.

as i write this i realise maybe i haven’t really thought this out incredibly well because hey! does that mean we have no freedom ever?

i think the more we strive to be at one with the Universe and the better we get to know ourSelves, the more freedom we get.

i think, don’t look at me like i’m an expert, i can’t even drive guys.

anyway, thank you for bearing with me through these lovely little ramblings. i’ve been writing like insane, like 10 pages handwritten in two days and i feel so great because of it. like i’m finally where i’m supposed to be.

spread love like there’s no cost and no pain and give and give and give. just give.

stay happy guys; until next time (where i hopefully post sunset garden and sunset beach)


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